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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Introduction and possible plans

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Introduction and possible plans
Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2007 11:23:31 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070831)

Hi Shane,

Did you have a look at HEAD?
(you have to check out the api separately from

There is a lot if improvements to the API - as XSLT-rendering, a
improved ACL, pdf-writing, reading and writing MsExcel-format
(import/export) custom fields, custom drop-in-functions, syncml, it runs
on php 5.2.4 - and more...

There is also some new apps - like:
ged - a document admin system
hrm - human resource management
demo - an clone of notes - but with customizable fields
sms - a port of PlaySMS
property - a faclilities managemenet system

There is a development project that is starting these days (in Norway) -
which Dave (skwashd) is a part of.

The project is focusing on the app 'property' - but there might be some
overlap somewhere along the path where we could pull our resources together.



Shane Lilge wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm newb to phpGroupWare (stable branch) with a couple of days of use
> under my belt.  The basics of the app fit what I was looking for and run
> quite nicely on my shared hosting. 
> There are a few features I have in mind for it to be very useful for my
> company.  Much is interoperability with some basic additions.  I would
> like to start making changes right away and I thought it best to provide
> an idea of those changes with the hopes that some may be helpful to the
> project.  I'd like some guidance on the best way to work within the
> community without disrupting it.  I was chatting in IRC and skwashd
> suggests someone could act as a mentor.
> Following is a draft of changes I'd like to do.  This is a general plan
> which will change and mature over time as I get to know the application
> and code.  I was informed that InfoLog had some potential issues and
> considering that I'm currently looking at doing changes on ToDo and
> Notes with a new ActionLog module.  Any comments and suggestions are
> welcome.
> phpGroupWare Modifications
> Initial considerations for possible changes / additions / modules
>>>> Mail:
> - Functions to tag or move a specific email to:
>     - A Task - Possibly ToDo, Call, Project
>     - Information - FAQ, Newsletters, Wiki
>     - Archives - In DB?
>     - Ownership/Logging - To an entry in address book (client),
> inventory and phpGW user (salesperson/rep)
> - Mailing lists - can import from address book
> - IMAP libs that work on shared hosts with imap_mod - not a priority
>>>> Action Log (Like InfoLog):
> - Logging on incoming/outgoing calls, emails, faxes, meetings
> - Log action attached to person/organization in address book, inventory
> item, notes, todo, projects, files and phpGW user
> - Definable reports/sorting/filters on log entries
> - Reports viewable in Action Log and where attached (such as InfoLog
> showing in address book)
>>>> TO DO
> - Attached/assigned to phpGW user(s) or group, address book entry
> (individual and/or organization), inventory item, notes
> - Definable reports/sorting/filters - in ToDo and where attached
> - ToDo type - definable list - Call, email, fax, meeting, general task, etc.
> - ToDo status - definable list - On hold, active, complete - possibly a
> status for each type
>>>> Notes
> - Attached to phpGW user, address book entry (individual and/or
> organization), inventory item, project, ToDo
> - Definable reports/sorting/filters - in ToDo and where attached
> - Notes type - definable list - Comment, information, complaint, etc -
> Another way to categorize and sort
>>>> Address Book
> - Person/Organization viewable to specific user group(s)
> - Customized display/report screens (seems like there is the basics
> there but I haven't figured out how to work it)
> - Clearer visual/accessible connection between Organizations and Persons
> - Change owner or have a general owner
> - Show creation date and last contact date (would be taken from an
> action most likely)
> - Type of contact - Definable list - can be added for each category of
> contact - buyer, seller, associate, etc
> - Industry - Definable list - Another way to categorize contacts
> - Contact status - Definable list - New, Registered, etc
> - Contact status2 - Definable list - Active, Uncertain, Dead, etc
> - Contact rating - Definable list - Good, bad, fair, untrustworthy, etc.
> - Relationship association - definable list (owner, partner, subsidiary,
> manager, etc) assigned/linked to other contact entity
>>>> Bookmarks
> - Viewable to a specific user group(s)
> - Import from Address Book
> - Attach to ToDo, notes, projects, etc
>>>> Others - Various Importance
> - Would eventually integrate other media and module types to assign to
> various people/things.  For example a news item/RSS feed attached to an
> organization.
> - Most likely a marketing campaigns in future - Could tie in with
> mailing lists, calling logs, etc
> - Very likely the same type of changes/additions would be done to assign
> files to various entities
> - Integration with Firefox/Mozilla for at least adding contacts
> Best regards,
> Shane.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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