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Re: [Qemu-devel] Patch to improve handling of server sockets

From: Reinhard Max
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] Patch to improve handling of server sockets
Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 12:42:33 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.00 (LNX 1167 2008-08-23)


On Wed, 5 May 2010 at 10:53, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:

Noticed that it probably should get a few helper functions to handle FdLists to avoid the quite simliar open-coded loop-over-all-fds loops all over the place.

indeed, thanks for the hint. I now have functions to create a new list element from an fd number and to destroy a list. Not sure if straight loops over existing lists can be further optimized, though.

You'll run into qmp for sure when forward-porting the patches to the latest qemu bits. It is the machine-readable version of the monitor protocol (in qemu 0.12+).

I guess that's the qemu_opt_set() calls at the end of inet_listen_opts()?

First I think qemu should be self-consistent here, i.e. either report the (single) name or the list of addressed everythere.

Yes, this mixture wasn't meant to be final, but it helped me getting the initial patch done with a minimal set of changes.

Second we have to care about the current users (especially libvirt).

Wouldn't the users of that bit of information run it through getaddrinfo() anyways when trying to connect? So to them it shouldn't matter whether the name or an ASCII representation of the address is used.

Today qemu usually reports the address I think. Thus I tend to stick to addresses to keep them happy.

But wouldn't going from single address to multiple addresses be a bigger change for the users (and likely break them all) while going from address to name would only break those that were not using getaddrinfo() to translate the address into its binary representation.

OTOH, going for multiple addresses would also allow starting qemu with more than a single -vnc option, which doesn't seem to be possible right now, and wich might come handy in situations when the set of addresses a qemu instance should be listening on is not available as a single DNS name.


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