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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 1/2] [RFC] arm_gic_common.h: add gicv2 aliases f

From: Peter Maydell
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 1/2] [RFC] arm_gic_common.h: add gicv2 aliases for defines
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 17:41:30 +0100

On 6 October 2015 at 15:37, Andrew Jones <address@hidden> wrote:
> I'm not sure if arm_gic_common.h is supposed to be common, not
> only between tcg and kvm, but also v2 and v3, but it currently
> is (arm_gicv3_common.h includes it, and it's the only gic header
> included by hw/arm/virt.c).

I don't think it should be included. We're doing completely
separate implementations of the GICv3 from the old GICv1/2

It looks like the only thing in the gicv3 code that is using
a define from the arm_gic_common.h file is "GIC_INTERNAL",
so we can just put a suitable define of that into the v3 header
(maybe giving it a better name in the process).

> If it should be the super-common
> header, then it's unfortunate that the define names are too
> generic. This patch doesn't help much, as it doesn't rename
> anything, but it does start heading down the right path. With
> it, code including the super-common header can start using more
> appropriate names for a couple very gic-version-specific defines.

All the things in this header should be GICv2 only, really.
It's unfortunate that all our naming (including the source files
and the device names) uses just "gic", but a mass renaming doesn't
seem like a great idea to me.

Given that, perhaps having a few symbols with a "GICV2"
prefix is going to be more confusing than helpful.

-- PMM

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