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Re: [Qexo-general] Compiling XQuery to bytecode: How can I do this in

From: Per Bothner
Subject: Re: [Qexo-general] Compiling XQuery to bytecode: How can I do this in Java (no files)
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 16:19:50 -0800
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Phil Shaw wrote:
Concerning the "-C <filename>" option:
I'd like to use that capability strictly in Java.
I.e. invoke Qexo to generate bytecode for an XQuery expression, and get the resulting bytearray,
without using a file.

I got as far as the "CompileFile" class,
and it looks as though that's pretty much hard-wired
to deal only with files, not with String input and byteArray results.

Use xquery.parseFile(port, immediate, messages)
to get a Compilation.  ('immediate' can be true or
false, depending on what makes most sense for you.
I don't off-hand remember exactly what it does.)
Then with the Compilation you can (for example) pass
it to the static ModuleExp.evalToClass to get a Class,
or modify evalToClass as you need.
        --Per Bothner
address@hidden   http://www.bothner.com/per/

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