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Re: not excluding socket dir?

From: EricZolf
Subject: Re: not excluding socket dir?
Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 08:01:04 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.7.0

Hi Derek,

On 08/05/2020 02:31, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to backup a mail server but it's complaining about a socket
> error..  BUT I thought I was excluding that directory.  The command I'm
> using:
> /usr/bin/rdiff-backup --exclude /mnt/snap/dev --exclude
> /mnt/snap/lost+found --exclude /mnt/snap/media --exclude /mnt/snap/mnt
> --exclude /mnt/snap/proc --exclude /mnt/snap/run --exclude /mnt/snap/sys
> --include /mnt/snap/var/www --include /mnt/snap/var/spool/imap --include
> /mnt/snap/var/spool/mail --include /mnt/snap/var/spool/postfix --include
> /mnt/snap/var/spool/rsvp --include /mnt/snap/var/lib/postfix --exclude
> /mnt/snap/var/lib/imap/socket --include /mnt/snap/var/lib/imap --include
> /mnt/snap/var/lib/squirrelmail --include /mnt/snap/var/spool/cron
> --include /mnt/snap/usr/local --exclude /mnt/snap/bin --exclude
> /mnt/snap/lib --exclude /mnt/snap/lib64 --exclude /mnt/snap/sbin --exclude
> /mnt/snap/tmp --exclude /mnt/snap/usr --exclude /mnt/snap/var
> mail_backup::/mnt/snap/ /mnt/backup/backups/mail
> And I get this output:
> SpecialFileError var/lib/imap/socket/idle.10314 Socket error: AF_UNIX path
> too long
> SpecialFileError var/lib/imap/socket/idle.10325 Socket error: AF_UNIX path
> too long
> [snip]
> Aren't I excluding the directory properly?

I don't know, I tried to re-create your issue locally, with the attached
script, and I don't get any error message, and the socket file and its
directory I create aren't backed-up:

$ tree /var/tmp/snap
└── var
    └── lib
        └── imap
            └── socket
                └── idle.12345

4 directories, 1 file

$ tree /var/tmp/backup
└── backups
    └── mail
        ├── rdiff-backup-data
        │   ├── access_control_lists.2020-05-09T07:36:39+02:00.snapshot
        │   ├── backup.log
        │   ├── chars_to_quote
        │   ├── current_mirror.2020-05-09T07:36:39+02:00.data
        │   ├── error_log.2020-05-09T07:36:39+02:00.data
        │   ├── extended_attributes.2020-05-09T07:36:39+02:00.snapshot.gz
        │   ├── file_statistics.2020-05-09T07:36:39+02:00.data.gz
        │   ├── increments
        │   │   └── var
        │   │       └── lib
        │   ├── mirror_metadata.2020-05-09T07:36:39+02:00.snapshot.gz
        │   ├── session_statistics.2020-05-09T07:36:39+02:00.data
        │   └── special_escapes
        └── var
            └── lib
                └── imap

9 directories, 10 files

This is with 2.0.0 on Fedora 32. Which version(s) are you using on which
OS(s)? There was an issue covered by a test called test_long_socket_name
in testing/longnametest.py. You're actually rather far away from the
limit of 107 characters, but it could still be your issue. Sockets are
IMHO not worth being saved so you could use `--exclude-sockets`.

KR, Eric

Attachment: rbsocket.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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