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[Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa...
From: |
Sylvain Beucler |
Subject: |
[Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa... |
Date: |
Mon, 01 Nov 2004 07:57:17 -0500 |
CVSROOT: /cvsroot/administration
Module name: administration
Changes by: Sylvain Beucler <address@hidden> 04/11/01 12:35:32
Modified files:
docs/hacking_savannah: hacking_savannah.texi
Log message:
Added documentation about recreating the Savane configuration file
Index: administration/docs/hacking_savannah/hacking_savannah.texi
diff -u administration/docs/hacking_savannah/hacking_savannah.texi:1.63
--- administration/docs/hacking_savannah/hacking_savannah.texi:1.63 Fri Oct
29 23:14:23 2004
+++ administration/docs/hacking_savannah/hacking_savannah.texi Mon Nov 1
12:35:32 2004
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
address@hidden $Id: hacking_savannah.texi,v 1.63 2004/10/29 23:14:23 Beuc Exp $
address@hidden $Id: hacking_savannah.texi,v 1.64 2004/11/01 12:35:32 Beuc Exp $
@comment %**start of header
@setfilename hacking_savannah.info
@include version.texi
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@
Do you want the configuration file configuration process to be interactive?
ex: yes
ex: no
-[yes] no
What is the URL directory of Savannah on your http server?
ex: for sv.gnu.org/ the answer is /
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
Where should we install binaries and scripts?
ex: /usr/bin
ex: /usr/local/bin
-[/usr/local/bin]: /usr/local/savane/bin
Where should we install perl modules?
ex: /usr/local/lib/site_perl
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@
Where should we install i18n files?
ex: /usr/share/locale
ex: /usr/local/share/locale
+[/usr/share/locale]: @strong{/usr/local/share/locale}
What is the database name?
ex: savannah
@@ -652,13 +652,334 @@
Any options to use for ?
ex: you may add for mysql, if you do not have a ~/.my.cnf
something like -u user -p
-options: -p # TOD: or nothing + create a .my.conf
+options: # <empty> but TODO: create a .my.conf
# [TODO: Mailman]
$ make
$ make database
$ make conf
-$ mkdir -pm 755 /usr/local/bin/savane
+ ***** /etc/savannah/savannah.conf.pl (re)creation ******
+If you want a value to be commented out, type "OUT"
+If you do not understand what a question is about, it is probably not vital to
you and you can comment it out by typing "OUT"
+1) Default hostname
+(It must be the naked form of the domain)
+Ex: savannah.gnu.org
+[dr]: @strong{savannah.gnu} # savannah.gnu.org at Savannah
+2) HTTPS hostname
+(It must be the naked form of the domain. If you do not have https server,
comment out)
+Ex: savannah.gnu.org, $sys_default_domain
+[OUT]: @strong{$sys_default_domain}
+3) HTTPS port
+(Port number. If you do not have https server, comment out)
+Ex: 443
+4) Brother hostname
+(You can run Savannah with two different domain names. You'll be able to write
a different configuration for each one. The two brother/companion sites will
share the same database. /etc/savannah/local.inc.pl is far more important since
the default access to the database is done using this one. Here you can let
your savannah installation aware of the existence of a brother/companion site,
so while people login, it will be allowed to them to login on both site in one
click. If you do not have brother/companion site, comment out. If you do not
understand what is it about, you probably do not need that feature, comment
+Ex: savannah.nongnu.org
+[OUT]: @strong{savannah.nongnu} # savannah.nongnu.org at Savannah
+5) SQL database hostname
+Ex: localhost
+[OUT]: @strong{localhost}
+6) SQL database name
+Ex: savannah
+[OUT]: @strong{savannah}
+7) SQL database user
+Ex: mysqluser
+[OUT]: @strong{savannahscripts}
+8) SQL database password
+Ex: mysqlpasswd
+[OUT]: @strong{yourpass}
+9) Local dir of the installation of Savannah, in which is the PHP frontend, in
subdirectory ./frontend/php
+Ex: /usr/local/sv/src/savannah
+[/usr/src/savane]: @strong{/} # in the Apache root
+10) Default web directory
+(Suffix appended to the default domain)
+Ex: /
+11) Local dir of the site-specific content
+Ex: /etc/savannah/savannah-content
+[$sys_topdir/etc/site-specific-content]: @strong{/etc/gnu-content}
+12) Misc directory
+(Local dir where dumps will be stored etc)
+Ex: /subversions/sv
+[OUT]: @strong{/var/run/savane}
+13) Platform name
+(Name shown on public pages for the whole service)
+Ex: Savannah
+[OUT]: @strong{Savannah}
+14) Server administration project unix name
+(Unix group name of the meta-project used for administration. Take care to
avoid conflicts with group name existing on your system, take care to select a
valid unix group name: no checks will be done for this project unix group name.)
+Ex: savannah
+[OUT]: @strong{administration}
+15) Default locale
+(It must be a valid locale name)
+Ex: french
+16) Date format
+(Date formatting. If you want to use the default locale formating, comment out
(it's usually a good idea))
+Ex: Y-M-d H:i
+17) Default theme
+Ex: savannah
+[OUT]: @strong{savannah}
+18) Logo name
+(The engine will search for a file like
savannah/frontend/php/images/$theme.theme/$sys_logo_name. If you do not want
any logo, comment out)
+Ex: floating.png
+[OUT]: @strong{floating.png}
+19) Mail domain
+Ex: gnu.org, $sys_default_domain
+[OUT]: @strong{localhost} # gnu.org at Savannah
+20) Admin mail address
+(The mail domain we'll be added to this username)
+Ex: savannah-hackers
+[OUT]: @strong{savannah-reports}
+21) Default reply-to address
+Ex: noreply
+[OUT]: @strong{savannah-hackers}
+22) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] List of emails
+(If you do not want such file to be updated by the backend, comment out)
+Ex: /etc/email-addresses
+23) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] List of emails aliases
+(If you do not want such file to be updated by the backend, comment out)
+Ex: /etc/aliases
+24) PAM support
+(AFS, Kerberos (...) authentication can be made via PAM)
+Ex: no
+[OUT]: @strong{no}
+25) Kerberos 5
+(If you do not know what it is about, you surely don't have to deal with a
kerberos server, say no here.)
+Ex: no
+[OUT]: @strong{no}
+26) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] User home directory
+(Usually /home. You can uncomment if you do not plan to provide accounts)
+Ex: /home
+[OUT]: @strong{/home}
+27) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] User home directory subdirs
+(Users home is by default /home/user. If you set this to 1, you'll get
/home/u/user, and if you set it to 2, you'll get /home/u/us/user. It may be
very convenient if you have plenty of users.)
+Ex: 2
+[OUT]: @strong{2}
+28) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] User default shell
+(cvssh is a limited shell, choose /bin/bash if you want to provide full access
to your users)
+Ex: /usr/local/bin/cvssh
+[OUT]: @strong{/usr/local/bin/cvssh}
+29) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] Prefix for user* binaries
+(If you do not want to use useradd/usermod/userdel that are in the usual PATH
but specific ones, you can type here their prefix. Otherwise, comment out)
+Ex: /usr/local/savannah/bin
+30) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] Cron job: related to users
+(If you do not want your system to be synchronized with database automatically
regarding to users infos (/home/, /etc/passwd)), comment out)
+Ex: yes
+[OUT]: @strong{yes}
+31) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] Cron job: related to groups/projects
+(If you do not want your system to be synchronized with database automatically
regarding to groups infos (/etc/group), comment out)
+Ex: yes
+[OUT]: @strong{yes}
+32) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] Cron job: related to viewcvs ignore list
+(If you do not want your system to be synchronized with database automatically
regarding to viewcvs forbidden list, comment out)
+Ex: yes
+[OUT]: @strong{yes}
+33) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] Cron job: related to mails
+(If you do not want your system to be synchronized with database automatically
regarding to mail infos (/etc/aliases...), comment out)
+Ex: yes
+[OUT]: @strong{yes}
+34) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] Cron job: related to mailman
+(If you do not want your system to be synchronized with database automatically
regarding to mailman list (it assume you have mailman installed on this
system), comment out)
+Ex: yes
+[OUT]: @strong{yes}
+35) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] Cron job: database cleaning
+(A special backend script will clean regularly the database. If you do not
want that cleaning to be done, comment out. It is recommended to use it, even
if your installation use no other backend tool)
+Ex: yes
+[OUT]: @strong{yes}
+36) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] Cron job: trackers reminder
+(A special backend script will check regularly the database and send email to
users in defined cases. An user can decide to receive regularly task assigned
to him in a batch ; a project administrator can decide to make people that got
item with high priority not closed receiving a batch. Also, when an item is
supposed to start of to finish, a reminder should be sent to anybody supposed
to get notification for the item)
+Ex: yes
+[OUT]: @strong{yes}
+37) [BACKEND SPECIFIC] Viewcvs configuration file
+(Path to the viewcvs conffile. If you do not use viewcvs or if you do not want
the fordibben setting of this configuration file to be edit by Savannah,
comment out)
+Ex: /etc/viewcvs/viewcvs.conf
+[OUT]: @strong{/savannah/etc/viewcvs/viewcvs.conf}
+38) Google search
+(Add a search via google option to the search module. If you do not want this
search facility, comment out)
+39) Local Administration Documentation File
+(Will make available the content of a specific file to site admins. Give the
path to the file or comment out)
+ ** /etc/savannah/savannah.conf.pl (re)created **
+# mkdir -pm 755 /usr/local/bin/savane
$ make install
@end example
@@ -955,8 +1276,9 @@
$ diff minimum.txt full.txt | grep ^\> | cut -b 2- | while read line; do echo
DELETE FROM user where user_id=$line\;; done | mysql savannah
@end example
-It would be better to let some people with no assigned projects, so as
-to get all kinds of users in your database.
+It would be better to let some people with no assigned projects, as
+well as pending projects, so as to get all kinds of users in your
Of course, this is only useful to create a base system for quick tests
and development; once you want to test something before to include it
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa...,
Sylvain Beucler <=
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/01
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/01
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/03
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/09
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/10
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/10
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/10
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/10
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/11
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/docs/hacking_savannah hacking_sa..., Sylvain Beucler, 2004/11/12