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Re: [Simulavr-devel] update web site simulavr

From: Onno Kortmann
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] update web site simulavr
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:53:02 +0200
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ThomasK schrieb:
I've updated web site content. (e.g. it should be visible next time) Please report mistakes, wrong words and such things, if you find it.
By the way, I suggest we now put a news update onto the savannah project site (and maybe also onto the regular page) saying something along the lines of this:

Simulavr - Updates
Simulavr has received several updates. The repository of simulavrxx has been moved to git and new code (new devices, tests and interfaces) have been implemented. The web site has been replaced with a more current version which is planned to also contain online version of the manual and additional developer documentation. The C-based version has been obsoleted (except acceptance for bug fixes) and still lives in CVS. What has once been named simulavrxx as the C++ branch is regular simulavr now. No release has been prepared yet. As usual, we're short on developer time and invite you to contribute :-)

How about this? Please edit/discuss. I will put it online (if I have the rights on the savannah interface, I'm still trying to figure that out...) if noone complains for a few days.

We need to change the savannah page, as sometimes it is the place you'll go first for a project. And the current one lacks such an update.

Best regards,


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