QSpaceHulk Developers,
I liked playing Space Hulk and I was glad to see your open source version.
After some package issues on Ubuntu 12.04 (my problem, not yours) I got
to a compilation error in the rand.h. I can't seem to find the actual
error message other than a reference to "not knowing what srand() was".
I took a look at the header and the cpp... everything seemed fine.
Once I dropped in a "#include <stdlib.h>", to ensure it knew what
srand() was, everything worked fine. See attached for my modified rand.h. (Nothing special, but it made it all work)
I was thinking that other people attempting to compile your source
might have a similar file. I'm no C expert but I can't think of a
reason *not* to include "#include <stdlib.h>" in the rand.h to
alleviate similar issues with users less familiar with C.
I like the program and I look forward to "vs. AI". Keep it up!