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Re: Debian spamass-milt help needed

From: Dan Nelson
Subject: Re: Debian spamass-milt help needed
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 13:24:38 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

In the last episode (May 21), Derek J. Balling said:
> On Wednesday, May 21, 2003, at 11:45  AM, Dan Nelson wrote:
> >* Remove -u nobody from spamd.  The daemon will run as root.  Children
> >  will setuid() themselves to the appropriate userid when processing
> >  mail.
> Worked like a champ. Thanks!
> Now, I know this is a FAQ, but I notice that when mail comes into an 
> alias (say "address@hidden", my Yahoo!Groups alias), it can't 
> find /home/egroups/.spamassassin.
> Now, my question is this: Does the client (in this case, 
> spamass-milter) tell spamd who to setuid() to, or does spamd try to 
> determine that on its own?

spamass-milter tells spamd.
> Because if the client tells spamd who to become, it seems like it
> would be trivial to read the {rcpt_addr} macro, which already has all
> virtusertable lookups, etc., nonsense done. The only thing that you
> would do at that point is parse /etc/mail/aliases to map
> {rcpt_addr}->username (if needed), and then you could setuid() to the
> proper user, for their personal preferences, etc.

You'd want to open aliases.db to get useful performance, I think.  Is
that pathname something a milter can ask sendmail about?  Even better
would be to get sendmail to expand the alias before the milter gets it,
but I don't know if that's possible.

        Dan Nelson

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