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Re: [STUMP] Windows key prefix key oddity

From: David Bjergaard
Subject: Re: [STUMP] Windows key prefix key oddity
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:38:32 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)


When debugging prefix-key related issues, its always best to decouple
xmodmap from stumpwm.  

Other comments in-line:
address@hidden writes:

> Hi
> I tried to set my windows key as the prefix key according to the
> instructions in the faq, but it didn't work, so I decided instead to
> use the grave key. (Backward apostrophe, to the left of 1). 
Was there a specific sequence you were after? I have mine set as:
(set-prefix-key (kbd "C-q"))

> This worked, but in order to be able to continue to type the grave
> character if I needed to, which is rare, I programmed the windows key
> to type it. This works in xterm if I type shift-windows. If I type
> windows without shift, you would perhaps expect it to act as the
> prefix key, but it does nothing.
> In addition, I programmed F9 to send the grave character, but this, as
> expected, has made F9 act the same as grave, i.e. as the prefix key.
OK, I see what the issue is, You've set the prefix key to '`' and you
want to be able to type a literal '`' in whatever program you're
using. In this case, typing the prefix key twice should send a 'grave'
keycode to the focused window.

I can see how this would be annoying, since backticks are used in shell
scripting and other places!
> Here is what I put in .xsession:
> xmodmap -e "keycode 133 = grave"
> xmodmap -e "keycode 75 = grave"
Again, xmodmap just reshuffles what codes are sent, you can think of it
(as far as stumpwm is concerned) as physically re-wiring the keyboard.
If F9 sends a 'grave' keycode, stumpwm will think you pressed the prefix
key (as you instructed it to :))
> 133 is the key code for the windows key on my keyboards. 75 is F9.
> Here is what I put in .stumpwmrc
> (set-prefix-key (stumpwm:kbd "`"))
> It's ok as it is, but I am curious to know why the windows key is
> being intercepted, but not acting as you would expect, i.e. as the
> prefix key.
This is because of the way you rewired the keys with xmodmap. 
> address@hidden
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