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Re: @implementation .. @end blocks

From: Nelson Minar
Subject: Re: @implementation .. @end blocks
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 96 22:58:50 MDT

>I am curious as to what is going on.  Is the object browser in emacs
>fussier than the gnu objective-c compiler?  Are these objects with
>errors that were never called by the sample programs?   Are the @ends to
>the @implementation blocks resolved in some other way?

Just sloppiness - the compiler doesn't enforce an @end at the end of
an @implementation, so sometimes we miss it. To be honest I'm suprised
that we did put the @end in so many files. Does the browser crash, or
just complain? We'll try to be sure in the future all our sources have
proper @end lines.

How is that object browser? I've been wanting to try it out but
haven't had time - a little summary of its usefulness would be helpful
for the swarm-support group. What does it do on the defobj stuff in
defobj, collections, and activity?

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