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2.0 peculiarities (SuSE 6.1)

From: Albert-Jan Brouwer
Subject: 2.0 peculiarities (SuSE 6.1)
Date: 07 Sep 99 00:34:39 +0100

I have some models which run with a ZoomRaster to which no Value2D display
is attached. I noticed that for Swarm 2.0, as opposed to Swarm 1.3.1, a
bit of crud shows up in the window's bitmap.

For example when modifying the heatbug example (HeatbugObserverSwarm.m file)
as follows should show the problem upon starting the model.

<   // Now create a Value2dDisplay: this is a special object that will
<   // display arbitrary 2d value arrays on a given Raster widget.
<   heatDisplay =
<     [Value2dDisplay create: self
<                     setDisplayWidget: worldRaster
<                     colormap: colormap
<                     setDiscrete2dToDisplay: [heatbugModelSwarm getHeat]];
<   [heatDisplay setDisplayMappingM: 512 C: 0];   // turn [0,32768) -> [0,64)
<       [heatDisplay display];

This is under SuSE 6.1, and it is the same with the native tcl/tk 8.0.5-10
blt 2.4g setup (with Swarm patched up to work with that) as with tcl/tk 8.2
blt 2.4i (after removing the SuSE tcl/tk/blt stuff) with all other required
software SuSE native.

Also, "make check" fails at a fairly late stage for either setup:

make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ajbrouw/swarm/swarm-2.0/tests/defobj'
internal.m:482 lisp_output_type
FAIL: archiver
{r*@:ifd} address@hidden:address@hidden:4i8f12d16}
m1: [1 2.00 3.00]
FAIL: forwarding
2 of 2 tests failed

Lastly, upon linking and running swarm models I get lots of warnings
like these:

/usr/i486-linux/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol
`__objc_class_name_<somethingorother>' are not defined 

These do not seem to be harmful. There was some discussion about these in
the spring but I did not find a solution in the mailinglist archive.

Best regards,


Albert-Jan Brouwer, department of molecular physics, Leiden University.
EMail: address@hidden or address@hidden

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