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Re: problems compiling jheatbugs (NT swarm 2.0.1)

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: problems compiling jheatbugs (NT swarm 2.0.1)
Date: 19 Sep 1999 21:42:01 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "DM" == David Mechner <address@hidden> writes:

DM> I saw mention of a source patch for kaffe, but assumed that it's
DM> not necessary for the binary distribution..(?)


DM> And while we're at it, I'm not clear on (and couldn't find
DM> documentation on): 

DM> * whether I must use kaffe, or if I can just
DM> use any old jdk1.2 javac

Kaffe, jdk1.1 or jdk1.2 should work.  There's small tarfile in
jheatbugs for some JDK 1.2 classes absent in JDK 1.1 implementations.
Untar it in that directory if you want to use an older Kaffe or JDK 1.1.

DM> * what javacswarm does

It's just a wrapper script to get the PATH and CLASSPATH right.
Substitutions from autoconf that are collapsed down to unique values.

DM> * what all the different jar files are for

There's just one now in swarm-2.0.1.exe.

DM> * whether the .bash_login and .emacs
DM> that get installed are somehow necessary or just for fun.

They are just for people unfamiliar with Unix things.  However, .bash_login
ensures that the shell paths don't have Windows paths before Cygnus paths.
(This is so that `find' will be the Unix version, and not the Windows version.)

The .emacs file will load .emacs_custom in $HOME if its there, so you
can leave .emacs in place and not have to move stuff around with upgrades.
All it does is:

  1) Ensures that the shell and M-x compile work.
  2) Sets up defaults for Objective C.
  3) Locates info files from environment variables set during the install.
  4) Sets up a bunch of stuff for printing international fonts
     from BDF files (if a variable is provided).  I left that in because
     there has been work done translating Swarm documentation to
     Japanese, and this configuration makes the Kanji characters printable 
     to PostScript.

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