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[Swarm-Support] how to config eclipse on linux platform for javaswarm ?t

From: beyier wang
Subject: [Swarm-Support] how to config eclipse on linux platform for javaswarm ?the detail configure file.
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 13:16:10 +0800

Hi Steve,
I'm a student in Chinese Academy of Science Institute, Now I want to use java swarm to write some ASM in java on linux platform. Then I choose eclipse as my program IDE.
After I config the javaswarm enviroment on my ubuntu, I can run the example code Jheatbug in shell command as:

javacswarm StartHeatbug.java
javaswarm StartHeatbug

It works well.

So I want to program in eclipse IDE, and follow your ariticle how to install and use javaswarm in eclispe,  I configure some environment variable SWARMHOME and PATH that  in my ./.bashrc and /etc/environment file on ubuntu. And add the swarm.jar as well as kawa.jar to the  project classpath( lib in java buildpath) from /Swarm-2.2-java/share/swarm/.  But unfortunately, when I run the project(I am familiar with eclipse and java,so no other errors), the console in eclipse gives the error message as:

Exception caught: no javaswarm in java.library.path
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: createBegin
    at swarm.SwarmEnvironmentCImpl.createBegin(Native Method)
    at swarm.Globals.<clinit>(Globals.java:39)
    at net.beyi.StartHeatbugs.main(StartHeatbugs.java:15)

Javaswarm can be used in eclipse on windows platform by your article instruction steps.and how to use javaswarm in eclipse on linux/ubuntu platform,how to config it? I  need you help.

This is my configure file ~/.bashrc and /etc/environment:

swarm-2.2-java  unzip  path :/opt/swarm-2.2-java


export SWARMHOME=/usr/local
set JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_15
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
set CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar

export JAVASWARM_LIBPATH=/usr/local/etc/swarm:$JAVA_HOME/lib:/opt/Swarm-2.2-java/share/swarm
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/etc/swarm:/opt/Swarm-2.2-java/share/swarm



And I install javaswarm in my ubuntu follow the instruction as :
  1. Install the software necessary to download and compile swarm:

    sudo apt-get install gobjc gperf libxpm-dev libpng12-dev automake1.9 emacs21-nox libhdf5-serial-dev blt-dev cvs autoconf libtool make xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi

  2. Swarm needs automake1.9. Thus, run update-alternatives and select automake1.9 if it was not the default yet (For Debian Etch ― automake 1.9 is already default version):

    sudo update-alternatives ―config automake

  3. Now, you can download the swarm source code. There are two options:

  4. Then, you can compile swarm with java support:

  5. Swarm is already installed. You should now put this line at the end of your ~/.bashrc, because, by default, the Makefiles that come with swarm applications are configured to look for swarm at /usr, but since we installed it at /usr/local, we need to inform the Makefiles about this:

    export SWARMHOME=/usr/local


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