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Re: Tramp is missing a counter of how many times it tries to "exec env..

From: 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Subject: Re: Tramp is missing a counter of how many times it tries to "exec env..."
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2019 09:46:32 +0800

All I can say is even if you do manage to get the interaction just right
for certain shell A with stty setting B and prompt C on operating system
D, sooner or later someone will come along with a slightly different
combination, triggering the infinite loop all over again.

Anyway, switching A (with different B and C) allowed me to progress to
tramp-get-ls-command errors, which I *do* note have proper limits.
So all the lisp invoking "exec env..." needs to do is use the same
safety limits, so other people won't trigger the infinite loop.

And now changing some settings in .emacs allowed my to progress to other
issues, which I'll report in other new threads.

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