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Re: [VM] vm-pcrisis configuration using vmpc-substitute-replied-header

From: Uday Reddy
Subject: Re: [VM] vm-pcrisis configuration using vmpc-substitute-replied-header
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2011 18:29:29 +0000

Konrad Hinsen writes:

>  > (setq vmpc-conditions
>  >       '((to-work (vmpc-header-match "To\\|Cc" (regexp-quote "...")))
>  >         (to-home (vmpc-header-match "To\\|Cc" (regexp-quote "...")))))
> That's fine for "home" and "work", but I have about a dozen e-mail
> address I use regularly and I also often create ad-hoc addresses for
> one-time use. I have a whole domain at my disposal, which allows me to
> generate throw-away addresses to reduce spam.

Then you can write functions that can automate the generation of
vmpc-conditions and correspondingly vmpc-actions.  

Going back to your original question:

> Does anyone have a working configuration for vm-pcrisis that uses
> vmpc-substitute-replied-header? I tried the example action from the
> manual:
>   (vmpc-substitute-replied-header "To" "From")

this code is backwards.  You want 

    (vmpc-substitute-replied-header "From" "To")

to copy the "To" header of the original message into the "From" header of
your response.  I believe it does work.  But the reason it is useless is
that if a message was sent from Mike to John and copied to you, and you
respond to it using this action, VMPC will use John as the "From" address in
your reponse.  That would be a fine way to irritate John!


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