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Re: [XBoard-devel] coding style

From: h.g. muller
Subject: Re: [XBoard-devel] coding style
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2012 13:26:17 +0100

MyFunc (char a, char b, int c)

I used to intensely dislike that newline, because it makes it impossible
with most editors to find the declartion imediately by searching for
type + function name. But perhaps this is what the space is supposed
to solve.

    while (z)
        haha += foo (z, z);
    return ++x + bar ();

Currently the style that is most consistently used would be:

else {
    while (z) {
        haha += foo (z, z);
    return ++x + bar ();

Actually I think this is much better, as the other one wastes a lotof extra lines,
strogly degradig the readability of the code by reducing the number of lines
in view. Many if statements have just one or two statements in if-clauses,
Compared to

if(A) B;

the style


wastes 300% space. For else-less ifs with a short if-clause, I think the
simple one-liner if(A) B; is much preferable.

It is usually possible to eliminate braces by clever use of commas, though.
If I knew that braces took two extra lines, I would definitely write

  h = y, y = x, x = h;

rather than waste vertical space on the braces.

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