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Re: [XBoard-devel] Cross compiling Winboard in Linux

From: Tim Mann
Subject: Re: [XBoard-devel] Cross compiling Winboard in Linux
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2012 13:52:34 -0800

1) In some (older) C library implementations, rand is a much worse random number generator than random. Using rand might be OK today.

2) No idea.

3) / and \ should both work equally well as path separators on Windows. You just can't use / as a pathname separator on a command line that command.exe (or the like) is going to parse, because it takes it as an option starter instead. So you can probably just change it to / and leave it.

4, 5) No comment.

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Byrial Jensen <address@hidden> wrote:

I have tried to see if I could cross copmile Winboard in Linux in order to be able to see if any code changes I make will break Winboard.

It was relatively easy to do with a ready-made minGW cross compiler I just had to install, and the cross compiled Winboard.exe runs fine with Wine.

But I had to make a few changes in the sources:

1) I replaced the functions random() and srandom() with the standard C functions rand() and srand() in backend.c and zippy.c.

Is there any particular reason to use the non-standard versions of these function?

2) I replaced the include file <Windowsx.h> with <windowsx.h> in winboard/wsettings.c and winboard/wchat.c.

I have no idea about what the include file does. I just found one with a similar name to replace a non-existing file - and saw that it could compile with no errors. Is it safe to replace Windowsx.h with windowsx.h?

3) I changed the reference to "res\\winboard.exe.manifest" in winboard/winboard.rc to use "/" instead of "\"

Is there any any need to have that file in a subdirectory. It would be easier for me if it could be referenced without the need of path separator.

4) I replaced windres with i586-mingw32msvc-windres in the makefile and added --include-dir /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include to its call arguments.

5) I removed $(PROJ).exe's dependency of $(PROJ).hlp in the makefile, as I cannot build the help file (I found nothing to replace "C:/Program Files/Help Workshop/hcrtf"). That dependency seems unnecessary to me anyway.

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