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tex-continuous.el: latexmk, auctex, flymake

From: Paul Nelson
Subject: tex-continuous.el: latexmk, auctex, flymake
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 13:38:37 +0200

I thought I'd share a package I'm hoping to eventually submit to ELPA.
It may be topical in view of the recent discussion here concerning
latexmk.  I would appreciate any advice or suggestions, particularly
on ways that I could better leverage existing functionality from

For some people, the key feature of latexmk is that it can compile a
document continuously, e.g., with the command:

latexmk -pvc -shell-escape -pdf -view=none -e '$pdflatex=q/pdflatex %O
-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %S/' my-cool-tex-file.tex

For many years, my workflow was to edit a tex document with AUCTeX
while compiling in the background in a shell with latexmk, except when
I wanted to use AUCTeX's error handling, in which case I would
temporarily close latexmk and use TeX-command-master.  How ridiculous.

This package streamlines that workflow by providing a minor mode that
runs latexmk continuously, parses the error log using AUCTeX, and
reports the errors via flymake.

Something similar could be achieved with after-save-hook and
TeX-command-run-all, but the latter approach has some disadvantages:
it calls View to open the PDF, which I never figured out how to
disable, and doesn't mesh well with AUCTeX's error handling, which
also seems to be the case for the preliminary latexmk support recently
added to master.

See attached, or

Thanks, best,


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