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Re: Auctex persistent problems not recognizing master file

From: David Denton
Subject: Re: Auctex persistent problems not recognizing master file
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 17:29:43 -0400
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Hi Ikumi and Al,

Thank you very much for your both of your responses and suggestions.

Al, I actually do have a space between the %%% and the variables. This  was just a copying error in my email.

I completely removed Doom-emacs and reinstalled. Still the same result. And I was having the same result before I started using Doom.  And I tried the Doom sandbox C-C C-p (not loading my private config) and it was the same.

I think there must be a big clue in the following behaviour:

If I delete the local variable, then I get Auctex to add it again using C-c _, in order to point Auctex to  the main file. Then I am able to compile. However, as soon as I leave Doom-Emacs or Emacs, and reload, I am back where I started. So Emacs / Doom-Emacs is simply not seeing the local variable when the files are being reloaded.

Why, I wonder?

Any further ideas on this? Thanks.


%%%mode: latex
%%%TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:
David, when I tried this on Doom it gave me errors when opening the file. When I changed it to have a space between %%% and the variables, like this

%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:

everything worked. Perhaps try this?

Also, you might want to test on a Doom sandbox (where your private configuration is disabled) as an extra sanity check.

Best regards,
-- Al

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