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bug#59722: 30.0.50; project-find-regexp searches project-ignored files

From: Rudolf Adamkovič
Subject: bug#59722: 30.0.50; project-find-regexp searches project-ignored files
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2022 00:36:34 +0100

Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru> writes:

> Okay.

Thank you for your time, Dmitry!

> I wonder how that could be possible: project-find-regexp (that if what
> you have 'C-x p g' bound to, right?) does the search across the files
> returned by 'project-files'. So there is just one place that
> interprets the ignores' list and produces the list of files, and both
> project-find-file and project-find-regexp consume the result.

I provide a hypothesis about how that could happen below.

> Can you step through 'project-find-regexp' with edebug? Does the
> return value of 'project-files' (saved to 'files') contain the extra
> entries?

So, I debugged the problem.


The first finding may explain why I see the ignored files in C-x p g.

For my dir-local ignore pattern

  ((nil . ((project-ignores . ("apps/**/*.scm")))))

Emacs ends up calling

  git ls-files -z -c --exclude-standard \
    --no-empty-directory -o -- :(exclude,glob,top)apps/**/*.scm

which gives a listing that DOES NOT contain (as expected) any '*.scm'
files in the 'apps' directory, such as


but it still DOES contain "logically empty" parent directories (as not
expected, perhaps) that would have contained the ignored files if not
ignored, such as


My interpretation:

git ls-files does not output just files, as one would expect, but also
directories with no matching files.  grep then gets a list of files and
possibly also directories, and searches through it all.


Given the configuration

  (setq project-switch-use-entire-map t
        project-switch-commands '((nil "C-x p")))

when I type

  C-x p p <...project...> g

then Emacs uses the global project ignores and not the ones defined in
the directory-local file.  However,

  C-x p g

inside of any project buffer works OK.


While probably not the root cause, this bug made debugging much harder,
until I realized it exists, so I report this finding as well.

"One can begin to reason only when a clear picture has been formed in
the imagination."
-- Walter Warwick Sawyer, Mathematician's Delight, 1943

Rudolf Adamkovič <salutis@me.com> [he/him]
Studenohorská 25
84103 Bratislava

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