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bug#59722: 30.0.50; project-find-regexp searches project-ignored files

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#59722: 30.0.50; project-find-regexp searches project-ignored files
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 02:43:53 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.4.2

On 05/12/2022 01:36, Rudolf Adamkovič via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors wrote:

Can you step through 'project-find-regexp' with edebug? Does the
return value of 'project-files' (saved to 'files') contain the extra

So, I debugged the problem.



The first finding may explain why I see the ignored files in C-x p g.

For my dir-local ignore pattern

   ((nil . ((project-ignores . ("apps/**/*.scm")))))

project-vc-ignores, you mean.

Emacs ends up calling

   git ls-files -z -c --exclude-standard \
     --no-empty-directory -o -- :(exclude,glob,top)apps/**/*.scm

which gives a listing that DOES NOT contain (as expected) any '*.scm'
files in the 'apps' directory, such as


but it still DOES contain "logically empty" parent directories (as not
expected, perhaps) that would have contained the ignored files if not
ignored, such as


Huh, interesting. Could you try to show a similar command invocation which would make Git output include a "logically empty" directory for the Emacs repo? So that we have a common public project to compare.

Or alternatively a project-vc-ignores value which, when put in .dir-locals.el at the top, produces such effect on the return value of (project-files (project-current)).

As a counter-example, if I add

  (project-vc-ignores . ("./doc/emacs/*"))

there, 'project-files' does not include 'doc/emacs/' at all. Not files in it, not it separately as a directory.

My interpretation:

git ls-files does not output just files, as one would expect, but also
directories with no matching files.  grep then gets a list of files and
possibly also directories, and searches through it all.

That would make sense, if it's indeed what happens. Perhaps it's a bug in our code, or this behavior is specific to certain versions of Git.

I currently have Git 2.37.2 installed.


Given the configuration

   (setq project-switch-use-entire-map t
         project-switch-commands '((nil "C-x p")))

when I type

   C-x p p <...project...> g

then Emacs uses the global project ignores and not the ones defined in
the directory-local file.  However,

   C-x p g

inside of any project buffer works OK.

And that one is probably a regression from 2389158a31b4a.

It won't revert cleanly now, unfortunately. Here's a quick patch which should fix project-switch-project (but not any other potential uses of project-vc values outside of the associated directory):

diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/project.el b/lisp/progmodes/project.el
index 3f4a5fb04b..c7fb39b0fb 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/project.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/project.el
@@ -1770,7 +1770,11 @@ project-switch-project
     (let ((project-current-directory-override dir))
-      (call-interactively command))))
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (let ((default-directory dir)
+              (enable-local-variables :all))
+          (hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer))
+        (call-interactively command)))))

 (provide 'project)
 ;;; project.el ends here

It's mostly to help with your debugging, since it breaks the default prompt for 'project-find-regexp' called from 'C-x p p' as well.

I'll have to think of the best way to resolve this: revert said commit outright (with updates for the new code), or do it with certain tweaks.


While probably not the root cause, this bug made debugging much harder,
until I realized it exists, so I report this finding as well.

Thank you.

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