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bug#60751: 30.0.50; Treesit indent rule with missing semi in java-ts-mod

From: Theodor Thornhill
Subject: bug#60751: 30.0.50; Treesit indent rule with missing semi in java-ts-mode
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 11:30:57 +0100

Yuan Fu <casouri@gmail.com> writes:

> Theodor Thornhill <theo@thornhill.no> writes:
>> Hi Yuan!
>> Consider this java code (point at |, and note the missing semi):
>> ```
>> class foo {
>>     public void foo() {
>>         var x = foo
>>             .foo()|
>>      }
>> }
>> ```
>> If I press RET now, indent ends up here:
>> ```
>> class foo {
>>     public void foo() {
>>         var x = foo
>>             .foo()
>>         |
>>      }
>> }
>> ```
>> Matched rule is (which I'll change in a bit anyway):
>> ```
>> ((parent-is "block") (and parent parent-bol) java-ts-mode-indent-offset)
>> ```
>> and the parse tree is:
>> ```
>> (program
>>  (class_declaration class name: (identifier)
>>   body: 
>>    (class_body {
>>     (method_declaration
>>      (modifiers public)
>>      dimensions: (void_type) body: (identifier)
>>      (formal_parameters ( ))
>>      (block {
>>       (local_variable_declaration type: (type_identifier)
>>        declarator: 
>>         (variable_declarator dimensions: (identifier) =
>>          value: 
>>           (method_invocation object: (identifier) . name: (identifier)
>>            arguments: (argument_list ( ))))
>>        type: ;)
>>       }))
>>     })))
>> ```
>> and when this is invoked at point:
>> ```
>> (treesit-node-at (point)) ;; #<treesit-node "}" in 90-91>
>> (treesit-node-parent (treesit-node-at (point))) ;; #<treesit-node block in 
>> 35-91>
>> ```
>> In a way I would expect it to match either variable_declarator or
>> local_variable_declaration.  I know this behavior has changed a couple
>> of times the last year, wrt treesit-node-at and treesit-node-on, but
>> it's a little over my head how this calcutation is done.
> So when treesit-indent runs, it tries to get the largest node that
> starts at BOL, where BOL is the first non-whitespace character of the
> current line. In this case, there is no such node (because point is on
> an empty line), so NODE is set to nil, and parent is set to the smallest
> node that covers BOL, which is the (block) node.

Right, thanks!

>> In this case the syntax tree has no errors, but the code won't compile.
>> Do you have any suggestions for how to remedy this in java-ts-mode only,
>> or is this something to be considered for treesit.el?  Or maybe even a
>> bug in tree-sitter-java?
> Compile? You mean byte-compiling java-ts-mode.el? What do you want to
> accomplish? The indentation you showed looks alright to me.

Just that the java code won't compile because of the missing semi :)
Nothing more.

>> I see the tree-sitter playground [0] returns:
>> ```
>> program [0, 0] - [8, 0]
>>   class_declaration [0, 0] - [6, 1]
>>     name: identifier [0, 6] - [0, 9]
>>     body: class_body [0, 10] - [6, 1]
>>       method_declaration [1, 4] - [5, 6]
>>         modifiers [1, 4] - [1, 10]
>>         type: void_type [1, 11] - [1, 15]
>>         name: identifier [1, 16] - [1, 19]
>>         parameters: formal_parameters [1, 19] - [1, 21]
>>         body: block [1, 22] - [5, 6]
>>           local_variable_declaration [2, 8] - [3, 18]
>>             type: type_identifier [2, 8] - [2, 11]
>>             declarator: variable_declarator [2, 12] - [3, 18]
>>               name: identifier [2, 12] - [2, 13]
>>               value: method_invocation [2, 16] - [3, 18]
>>                 object: identifier [2, 16] - [2, 19]
>>                 name: identifier [3, 13] - [3, 16]
>>                 arguments: argument_list [3, 16] - [3, 18]
>>             MISSING ; [3, 18] - [3, 18]
>> ```
>> Which in turn could be something new not supported in the version I run?
> The explorer probably did something wrong and added the "type:"
> field name to the ";" node. Other than that I think the two parse tree
> should agree with each other.
> Yuan

Right, thanks!

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