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Re: coretutils package produces the ownership issue during "mv" command

From: Paul Eggert
Subject: Re: coretutils package produces the ownership issue during "mv" command execution.
Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 12:21:28 -0700
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On 05/14/13 02:15, Koteswararao Nelakurthi wrote:
> lchown("/media/sda2/aaa", 0, 0)         = 0
> write(2, "mv: ", 4mv: )                     = 4
> write(2, "failed to preserve ownership for"..., 48failed to preserve 
> ownership for /media/sda2/aaa) = 48
> write(2, ": Function not implemented", 26: Function not implemented) = 26
> write(2, "\n", 1

That's odd: lchown succeeded, but mv is acting like it failed?
I don't see how vanilla coreutils could do that.

Possibly it's a downstream issue, so you'll need to look at
the source code as modified for your system.

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