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Re: Changes 2009-07-15/16 in branch?

From: Stephen J. Turnbull
Subject: Re: Changes 2009-07-15/16 in branch?
Date: Sat, 01 Aug 2009 15:28:19 +0900

Ian Eure writes:

 > I think it would be unfortunate if it were removed. As Emacs can be
 > used to develop AppleScript (or other OSA supported languages) this
 > feature would be needed to run them from within Emacs to test the
 > code. Without it, you must rely on other tools outside of Emacs for
 > this functionality.

Yeah, but as Harald pointed out, you only have to go as far as
osascript (part of Mac OS, or maybe Xcode) and .emacs:

;; Copyright 2009 Stephen J. Turnbull
;; this code and inlined documentation is licensed to you under the
;; GNU GPL, v2 or later at your option
;; tested in XEmacs 21.5.29, YMMV (see the NO WARRANTY clause of the license)
(defun osascript (script &rest args)
  "Run string SCRIPT as an OSA script \(eg, Applescript), with arguments ARGS.
Each element of the list ARGS is added to the invocation of osascript(1)
formatted with \" %s\".
BUG: in interactive use, ARGS must be provided as a Lisp list."

  ;; A custom read-list could be provided to allow the following style
  ;; of interface.  Example script from osascript(1).
  ;; Prompts abbreviated, user input only:

  ;; M-x osascript RET
  ;; SCRIPT: on run argv C-q C-j
  ;;    return "hello, " & item 1 of argv & "." C-q C-j
  ;; end run C-q C-j RET
  ;; ARG: world RET
  ;; ARG: moon RET
  ;; ARG: RET

  ;; and the empty arg terminates the list and runs the command.

  (interactive "sEnter the text of the script (use C-q C-j for newlines): 
xScript arguments (as a Lisp list): ")

  ;; kludge to deal with `interactive's lack of awareness of &rest
  (when (interactive-p)
    (setq args (car args)))
  (shell-command (concat (format "osascript -e '%s'" script)
                         (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format " %s" x)) args ""))))

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