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CEDET (was: Emacs learning curve)

From: Leo
Subject: CEDET (was: Emacs learning curve)
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 17:43:30 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (Mac OS X 10.6.4)

On 2010-07-13 12:59 +0100, Eric M. Ludlam wrote:
> Enabling the CEDET code completion stuff "by default" would come
> pretty close. I know lots of folks complain about CEDET being hard to
> figure out or configure. On GNU systems with projects written in
> Automake, however, it self configures most of the complicated stuff,
> and will do a good job with completion in C and C++ and a few other
> languages.
> CEDET is also now a part of Emacs. Why not configure CEDET to be on,
> use it for a while, and instead of turning it off because of some
> glitch you don't like, fix the little things that confused you or were
> hard. That would take less time than reading this thread.
> One of the things I was most surprised by was that when CEDET was
> integrated into Emacs, only 2 people tried it and reported anything
> from this list. I fixed those things too. Now this list is posting
> things that effectively pretend CEDET doesn't exist. What's up with
> that?
> Eric

I think any new feature should be enabled for a period of time for
testing purpose. If they are not tested in the development process, they
get tested in the release where users expect things to work reliably and
any problems for them can only be fixed in the next release which at
least is 1-year. Given that Emacs really doesn't have enough man-power
to handle bugs and new features, it seems even more important to find as
many bugs and feature requests to any new addition while its main author
is active.

I really hope CEDET (actually some of its components) can eventually
become a new layer for writing intelligent modes for programming
languages. Syntax highlighting through regexp is pretty dumb. In this
respect Eclipse (the latest release) has become superior to Emacs.


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