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Re: Changes to make in elpa-packages file for nongnu elpa

From: Thierry Volpiatto
Subject: Re: Changes to make in elpa-packages file for nongnu elpa
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 10:14:11 +0000

Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:

> Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net> writes:
>> Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:
>>> Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:
>>>>>>> It is used specially for reproducing bugs in a clean environment, see it
>>>>>>> as emacs -Q for Emacs when reporting bugs. This script starts Emacs -Q
>>>>>>> with only Helm loaded, this ensure the bug if one comes from Helm and
>>>>>>> not another package. This is important especially nowaday people are
>>>>>>> using "Emacs distribution" with the world list of packages installed.
>>>>>>> Apart that the script is useful to quickly launch Emacs with helm, one
>>>>>>> can use it from the Helm directory or symlinked to e.g. ~/bin. 
>>>>>> I see.  In that case is there any reason you implement this as a shell
>>>>>> script?
>>>>> Well when I wrote the script, packages where not existing and from
>>>>> outside emacs it is actually the only way to run a package isolated.
>>>>>> (It might be interesting to provide something like this for
>>>>>> package.el, to test packages in a generic way.)
>>>>> Yes, this would be interesting, it would be something like this:
>>>>> Emacs -Q
>>>>> M-x <A command that run a package alone, isolated from other
>>>>> packages nuisances>
>>>> I was actually thinking of a command like
>>>> M-x package-isolate RET foo,bar,baz RET
>>>> and a new instance of Emacs using -Q is spun up, with all the packages
>>>> you have listed loaded, and nothing else... Sounds like a fun little
>>>> weekend project ;^)
>>> Here is my first attempt at providing this kind of a command.  Any
>>> comments?
>> Why not reusing package.el functions?
>> Why do you want to start in an isolated elpa directory?
>> Isn't something like this suffice? (just missing to fallback to CRM when
>> helm is not available)
> I don't know much about Helm, but does it not support CRM?

It does, but this is a much better interface than CRM.

>>     (defun package-isolate (packages)
>>       "Start an uncustomised Emacs and only load a set of PACKAGES."
>>       (interactive
>>        (list (let ((helm-comp-read-use-marked t))
>>                (completing-read "Packages: " (mapcar #'car 
>> (package--alist))))))
> This doesn't allow selecting specific package versions, in case multiple
> are installed (which might easily happen if you use package-vc).  I
> stole the code in my patch from package-delete, and I guess it would be
> possible to generalise it into a utility function.

Ok, I don't know much how package-vc works.

>>       (let* ((name (concat "package-isolate-" (mapconcat #'identity
>>                                                          packages ",")))
> This doesn't work, because the above returns a string, not a list of strings.

No, it works, the above returns a list of strings (the completing-read
allows marking and returns always a list).

>>              (deps (cl-loop for p in packages
>>                             for sym = (intern p)
>>                             append (package--dependencies sym))))
>>         (apply #'start-process (concat "*" name "*") nil
>>                (list (file-truename (expand-file-name invocation-name 
>> invocation-directory))
>>                      "--quick" "--debug-init"
>>                      (format "--eval=%S"
>>                              `(progn
>>                                (require 'warnings)
>>                                (add-to-list 'warning-suppress-log-types 
>> 'initialization)
>>                                (require 'package)
>>                                (setq package-load-list
>>                                 ',(append (mapcar (lambda (p) (list (intern 
>> p) t)) packages)
>>                                           (mapcar (lambda (p) (list p t)) 
>> deps)))
>>                                (package-initialize)))))))
> This is actually a good idea, assuming there are no issues with lexical
> scoping that might arise from --eval.  I didn't think of using
> package-load-list here, but it seems that this only works if we don't
> add --init-directory, because otherwise the elpa/ directory is not
> populated.

Yes of course.

> It seems to me, that for a proper isolated environment, we should add
> a --init-directory option.

Why as long as other directories in elpa are not in load-path?

> This is easy to fix though, we just need to specify `package-user-dir'
> at startup.  Here is my updated patch, merging our approaches:
> [2. text/x-diff; 
> 0001-Add-command-to-start-Emacs-with-specific-packages.patch]...
>>> [2. text/x-diff; 
>>> 0002-Add-command-to-start-Emacs-with-specific-packages.patch]...
>>> [3. text/x-diff; 0001-Add-a-function-to-query-the-Emacs-executable.patch]...
> I have slightly modified your version, fixing issues I had, in case
> anyone else wants to try it out:

Thanks, sorry to not provide the CRM, I quickly wrote this.

>         (defun package-isolate (packages)
>           "Start an uncustomised Emacs and only load a set of PACKAGES."
>           (interactive
>            (list (mapcar #'intern (completing-read-multiple "Packages: " 
> (mapcar #'car (package--alist))))))
>           (let* ((name (concat "package-isolate-" (mapconcat #'symbol-name 
> packages ",")))
>                  (deps (mapcan #'package--dependencies packages)))
>             (apply #'start-process (concat "*" name "*") nil
>                    (list (file-truename (expand-file-name invocation-name 
> invocation-directory))
>                          "--quick" "--debug-init"
>                          (format "--eval=%S"
>                                  `(progn
>                                     (require 'warnings)
>                                     (add-to-list 'warning-suppress-log-types 
> 'initialization)
>                                     (require 'package)
>                                     (setq package-load-list
>                                           ',(mapcar (lambda (p) (list p t)) 
> (append packages deps)))
>                                     (package-initialize)))))))


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