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Re: Shrinking the C core

From: Arthur Miller
Subject: Re: Shrinking the C core
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 08:55:55 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> writes:

> Arthur Miller <arthur.miller@live.com> writes:
>> In which way is it "the perfect antithesis" to my standpoint, and what
>> is my standpoint?
> That Emacs must be rewritten from the drawing board to leverage
> multiprocessor operation.

I think you have missunderstand what I mean; I can try make it clear
that I mean parts that considers Emacs core, shared state and so on.

>> If you wrote:
>> "where the only form of ``interlocking'' **is**",
>> than it would certainly be a "perfect anthithesis", but since you are
>> using the term *was* it means it *is no more*, a past tense, something
>> that has changed, and change is what I have suggested.
> Multiple organizations took Unix and independently transformed it into
> what it is today: CMU, Novell, Sun, and of course the many volunteers
> who orchestrate the development of the free BSD systems.

You are missing the point: I wasn't talking about *who* changed the
Unix; the point here is that it got *changed*.

> What fundamental issues (aside from manpower and time, of course) impede
> Emacs from undergoing the same transformation?  The Unix experience
> indicates that this is well-trodden ground.

None. And nobody has suggested that such issues exists either, it is your
construction. On contrary, I am saying that Emacs should undergo such
transformation :).

>> I think you are missunderstanding what I am saying: I am saying that
>> design needs to be changed; and the other thing is that I am suggesting
>> to rewrite the core API in CL instead of C, since you will get all those
>> things that constitute the Lisp Machine out for free; a better garbage
>> collector, a better threading, and better Lisp that are people are often
>> asking for. Of course you can implement all that stuff in C as well, it
>> just that it means redoing work that other people has done elsewhere.
> Last I checked, none of the popular Common Lisp systems supported MS-DOS

True. MS-DOS and Windows 95 would have to go away. Perhaps some other
popular OS from 1980s-1990s? 

> or ran satisfactorily on Android, nor was Common Lisp an especially well
> known language.  There is a reason Emacs is written in C, and why its
> present design has endured for so long: it is portable, it is reasonably
> fast, and it is a subject familiar to all programmers.

Well yes, C is portable and fast, nobody denies that. So are some CL

> Other Lisp systems aren't panaceas either: rewritten in Common Lisp or

Nobody said it is "panaceas". But sbcl would provide a better lisp
machine, in terms of garbagecollector, threading etc; something you will
have to develop for Emacs eventually. You heard that one about a guy
with name Isaac Newton and standing on shoulders of others? :)

> not, the present Emacs design will still require interlocking to operate
> safely in a multiprocessor environment.  Ergo, such a rewrite will only
> compound the effort needed to produce a hypothetical ``Lockmacs'' (so to

Just reimplementing the C core would not, because you wouldn't use
multiple threads. But if you would like to thread Emacs command loop or
internals itself, than you would have to reimplement it that way of
course. Think of Java Swing; at least 20 years ago when I war
programming Java, it was not thread safe, but worker threads were OK.

> speak) with the additional pains required to rewrite Emacs in a new
> language, and one very few of the present maintainers are well versed in
> at that.

I am sure present maintainers are well versed with CL, just not very
interested to rewrite Emacs in CL; and I wouldn't expected them to be
either :-). 

Observe that I am presenting some food for thought; I don't expect Emacs
devs to jump and say "Yes! What a great idea!". But I wouldn't be
suprised if at least some of them have had the idea in their mind at
some point in time. 

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