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Re: Shrinking the C core

From: Arthur Miller
Subject: Re: Shrinking the C core
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 04:41:02 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> writes:

> Arthur Miller <arthur.miller@live.com> writes:
>> Perhaps you are attacking the task from the wrong angle? I think that
>> sounds like a very tedius and error prone strategy. Why not refactor
>> the interpreter so you can instantiate it with an empty state in a
>> separate thread? I don't know; I am perhaps wrong, but isn't it more
>> safe strategy to isolate the state in their own threads instead of
>> trying to interloc bunch of stuff all over the place?
> How is that distinct from running Emacs within a subprocess?

It is not, but it is not a question :).

It is basically same as what async package does. I have actually said
that in defense of Emacs many times in disucssions when people ask for
"worker threads" on Reddit.

However, it is a bit more efficient if you could start an interpretter
in a thread than Emacs process; and it will lead to refactoring out Lisp
interpretter from the Emacs application state which will hopefully
lessen the shared state and make it easier to analyze the locking stuff
you talk about.

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