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Re: GTK build: some menus in the menu bar stay highlighted

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: Re: GTK build: some menus in the menu bar stay highlighted
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 08:18:50 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070221)

Thanks for the test case.  I'll try to debug this.

        Jan D.

Stephen Berman skrev:

I made the file srb.el (attached) and did the following (again, only
with QtCurve in KDE):

1. emacs -Q -l srb.el

2. Moving the mouse over the menu bar in *scratch* does not induce the
"sticky" highlighting problem.

3. C-x C-f test.srb brings up a buffer in SRB mode with a menu SRB in
the menu bar.  When I move the mouse over the menu bar in this buffer,
as soon as it moves over and off of SRB the highlighting sticks to
this menu bar item.  If I switch to *scratch* and then back to
test.srb, the sticky highlighting is gone, but I get it again by
moving the mouse over and off of SRB.  I can repeat this ad infinitum.

I can also reliably get the sticky highlighting with the following

1. emacs -Q

2. Moving the mouse over the menu bar in *scratch* does not induce the
"sticky" highlighting problem.

3. Do `M-x gnus RET y RET y RET n' to get the Gnus *Group* buffer.
When I move the mouse over the menu bar, the four menues Gnus, Groups,
Group, Agent get "sticky" highlighting.

4. If I now switch back to *scratch* and move the mouse over the menu
bar, the Edit menu gets sticky highlighting.

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