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RE: [avr-gcc-list] AvrX and pgm_read_byte_near()

From: Larry Barello
Subject: RE: [avr-gcc-list] AvrX and pgm_read_byte_near()
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 17:51:40 -0800

AvrX uses the GCC parameter passing & clobbering rules so it shouldn't
bother Z or be bothered by Z.  I presume what Brian is saying is that using
pgm_read_byte_near() results in "AvrXDelay()" never returning?  That sounds
more like a stack problem.

I will eager await Brian's results with the new macros...

-----Original Message-----
From:  E. Weddington

Interesting. I don't know if the use of the Z reg is what is making AvrX
unhappy (Larry Barello would have to comment on that).

However, in looking through pgmspace.h I noticed that all the __LPM* inline
assembly macros don't have the Z reg (r30, r31) in their clobber lists, but
all the __ELPM* inline assembly macros do have it in their clobber lists.

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