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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Feature request - compiler warningfor"if"stmtsthat do

From: Dave Hansen
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Feature request - compiler warningfor"if"stmtsthat do nothing
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 12:19:56 -0500

From: "E. Weddington" <address@hidden>
Do you have link to a free copy of the MISRA guidelines?


There's really no reason to follow the MISRA gueidelines unless your customer requires it. As a rough estimate, they are about 40% good ideas, 30% harmless, 20% incomprehensible, and the last 10% actively harmful.

The best thing I can say about them is that they describe a procedure for breaking them. Because you _will_ need to break them. In fact, rule 3 says "Break rule 1." In so many words.

MISRA has just released version 2 of the guidelines. I haven't seen those yet. I hope they're better. One can only hope they put more people on the committee this time who actually know something about C.

But MISRA suffers from the fallacy that replacing thinking with rules will result in better code. 99% of the problems MISRA tries to solve are much better handled with a good lint.

All IMHO, of course.  Regards,

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