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Re: [avrdude-dev] Atmel's XML part description files

From: E. Weddington
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Atmel's XML part description files
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 06:41:08 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Erik Walthinsen wrote:

I'm working on the STK500V2 conversion, but there are a lot of random
values that the programmer is supposed to use, such as delays and loop
counts and such that simply aren't in avrdude.conf.  Adding them all
would be especially painful I think, given the way the conf file is parsed.

On the other hand, Atmel has provided exhaustive XML files with AVR
Studio 4 that cover (AFAICT) every device they make, including some that
aren't out yet.  These files now appear to be *the* master source of
information for all their tools.

So, the question is whether it's worth continuing to maintain
avrdude.conf as a format and dataset for part definitions, or switch to
using Atmel's official XML files.

We've had that idea before, and I'm all for it!

I would definitely favor doing that,
as it makes the stk500v2 port reasonable, but obviously involves a fair
amount of work to do the conversion.

You're right, it is a lot of work, and that's the only reason it hasn't been done yet.

Dependencies shouldn't be a problem, as libxml2 is available on all
platforms without any dependencies, and if someone really wants to they
could port the thing over to Windows' native XML libraries.

Do NOT do Window's native XML libs. The Windows version of avrdude is built with Cygwin, which has access to libxml2 and other Unix/Linux libs.

indirection would have to be designed in to handle that, but I suspect
it'd be easiest to design in the indirection anyway.

The main question is whether they actually have enough data to replace
the part definitions.  I'm going through the stuff now and am seeing
places where either their tools are assuming certain things, or I'm just
not finding the right data in the XML.

What do you want to find? Others can look too, or if it's not there, we can certainly add it locally and see if Atmel will accept those changes.

The other issue has to do with licensing. We need to check with Atmel if it's ok to redistribute their XML files. I can check on that.


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