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RE: Problems trying to run a report and query with dates :-(

From: Rick Macdonald
Subject: RE: Problems trying to run a report and query with dates :-(
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 14:26:56 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Leonardo.Araujo wrote:

> <<You could try this from a UNIX machine and/or a Windows machine:
>       timshel:~$ tclsh
>       % socket localhost 1529...
> >>
> Hi Rick,
> Thanks again for the prompt reply. I got the following results from the
> tclsh console:
> % socket myhost 1530
> sock156
> % gets sock156
> 200 myhost GNATS server 3.106 ready.
> % puts sock156 "ARAF 2001-07-12 00:00"
> % flush sock156
> % gets sock156
> 468 Cannot parse the date: 2001-07-12 00:00.
> % close sock
> % exit
> Any ideas??? 

You're running an older version of gnats (3.106). That's probably the

> Also, when you say TkGnats doesn't support printing in Windows that means I
> can print at all??? Not even if I apply some patch or something. Is Windows
> that terrible ;).

Several people have tried to make it work using cygwin and windows
versions of ghostview etc. I don't know if they were successful. I don't
know exactly what has to be done to try.


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