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Re: [Denemo-devel] building on an old system again - error

From: Bric
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] building on an old system again - error
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 23:51:45 -0400
User-agent: PlutoMail 2.0

On 06/09/2014 11:16 PM, Bric wrote:
On 06/09/2014 02:45 AM, Bric wrote:
Hi, guys!

Here I go again, with an ancient Ubuntu 10.10 (I've upgraded my main system to Ubuntu 14.04, but would like to build denemo on a different, old system because it also has some apps built with ancient code which is out of maintenance and not forward-compatible).

So, I managed to ./configure the latest git on the old Ubuntu 10.10, but "make" errors out, apparently because my libglib is too old. Or am I wrong? Below is the error message.

My libglib2.0-0 is version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1. What are my options? Thanks in advance.

Anyone? Am I correct in my assessment that this is a libglib version problem?

What's the highest denemo version that works with libglib-2.26 ?

I think I just determined that the error starts with version 1.1.2 Version 1.1.0 seems to compile and run OK.

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