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Re: [Denemo-devel] Instrument templates (was Re: Playback View: an impor

From: Jeremiah Benham
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Instrument templates (was Re: Playback View: an important advance for Denemo)
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 23:33:44 -0600

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 1:15 PM, Richard Shann <address@hidden> wrote:
On Wed, 2016-01-20 at 12:53 -0600, Jeremiah Benham wrote:
> On Jan 20, 2016 3:10 AM, "Richard Shann" <address@hidden>
> wrote:
> >
> [...]  It would require some
> > knowledge/interest/demand to develop it...
> Ok. I just thought it would inspire some of my students using denemo.
> A few of them play drums and others like rock music. There was also an
> oportunity for me to arrange something for percussion ensemble. I
> might do that in friscibaldi or something then.

but this sounds like you *do* have some knowledge/interest/demand for
it? What would you input, and what would the output look like? It seems
that all you would need is a few d-DirectivePuts to put things like
\drummode at the right places, but you would have to know what the thing
should look like (both in the Display and in the final typeset).

I will have to create a template for each case. I think their was a script to convert bass clef to a basic drum notation. I should look for that.

What If I scripted some buttons to correspond to the various drums. Could they show an svg of the drum? then they would enter in rhythmic values to fill the bar. The svg buttons move the cursor to the different notes.

I have a question about the templates. Timpani has a range of about 5th. This range varies depending on the size. Would I say the range is F3-A2? Each drum can be tuned but it takes about a measure or two for the musician to retune the drum head.
20": F3‑C4
23": D3‑A3
26‑25": Bb2‑F3
29‑28": F2‑C3
32‑30": D2‑A2



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