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Re: of applications for gnustep...

From: Philippe C . D . Robert
Subject: Re: of applications for gnustep...
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 17:53:27 +0200

On Friday, June 13, 2003, at 08:49 PM, Philip Mötteli wrote:
C++ completely misses the point what OO is all about. Yes, I'm referring
to Alan Kay's legendary comment:

        I invented the term 'object oriented programming' and I can tell
        you I didn't have C++ in mind.

C++ is one big mess of afterthoughts. C++ is evil and should be buried
at midnight under a full moon in an abandoned graveyard. And best be
forgotten as well.

I do completely agree. And I would even add something: As someone, who believes, that the most important part of an oo-program is its design: It would be impossible for me to make any project in C++, because the language is so little oo, that every design is just a huge tinkering with, in other languages not needed, design patterns. It becomes an unmaintainable mess.

In other words, you don't like C++ because you are not able to use it properly... also you are aware that there exist many design patterns which are used when programming in ObjC, aren't you!? You will even find concrete references to NeXT software in Gamma's book.

And BTW the quality of a design and/or code is much more influenced by the knowledge and experience of its author than the language of choice. I really fail to see why the argument of maintainability always pops up in this context, I could show you really ugly ObjC code which is everything but definitely not maintainable...

Computer languages are not religions, they are tools, so use them or don't if you have the choice, but please stay objective. I really do not believe that this kind of attitude helps getting more (new) people attracted to GNUstep and/or Objective-C.

Just my $0.02...

Philippe C.D. Robert

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