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Ann: Cynthiune 0.9

From: Wolfgang Sourdeau
Subject: Ann: Cynthiune 0.9
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 23:55:20 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Hi all,

This is my first post on this list. It's also the announcement of my
first GNUstep project.

What is Cynthiune?
Cynthiune is a free software and romantic music player for GNUstep and
MacOSX. I wrote it originally as a christmas gift to a girl that I liked
because she could not listen to the music on her Mac with a free program.

It is very similar in use to XMMS and Winamp, although it is currrently
far less complete. A plugin architecture is being designed.
For the moment, input and output bundles can easily be written and
Cynthiune is already quite usable for playing Ogg's, MP3's to an OSS
device or an Esound socket.

As my development platform is GNUstep, the MacOSX part is
obsolete for the moment. Since I don't have access to a Macintosh, I
need a volunteer to do the work for me if there is interest in it.

The current version (0.9) can be downloaded from


Cynthiune is my first GNUstep project and my coding style has changed
over the year during which I wrote it. Therefore, if you have any code,
ideas, translations, comments or useful criticism, feel at ease to submit
them to me!

Happy thiuning!


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