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Re: ruler-mode is broken

From: Lute Kamstra
Subject: Re: ruler-mode is broken
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 14:27:01 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1003 (Gnus v5.10.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Lute Kamstra <address@hidden> writes:

> I think there's a bug in set-fringe-mode 

I meant `set-fringe-style'.

> as well (unrelated to the bug in ruler-mode).  The argument (5 .  5)
> gives me fringes on the left and right that are smaller than the
> default (nil . nil).  However, the arguments (5 . 0) and (0 . 5)
> have exactly the same result as (nil . 0) and (0 . nil),
> respectively: they give a single fringe of the default width on the
> left and right, respectively.

I seems that set-fringe-style insists on setting the sum of the widths
of the left and right fringe to a multiple of `(frame-char-width)',
but does so in a (for me) counterintuitive way.  If one can only set
the left and right fringe width width to a pair (l-allowed .
r-allowed) for which (% (+ l-allowed r-allowed) (frame-char-width)) is
zero, I would expect an arbitrary width pair (l . r) to be mapped a
pair (l-allowed . r-allowed) for which the Euclidean distance is
minimal.  This is not the case as, for example:

(l . r)  |-->  (l-allowed . r-allowed)

(0 . 0)  |-->  (0 . 0)
(0 . 1)  |-->  (0 . 11)
(1 . 1)  |-->  (5 . 6)

Shall we change the behavior of set-fringe-style so that it minimizes
the Euclidean distance?  


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