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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Some bugs and feature requests

From: Jody Klymak
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Some bugs and feature requests
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 14:17:19 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (darwin)

Hi Gary,

"Gary V.Vaughan" <address@hidden> writes:

> On 20 Apr 2004, at 21:01, Jody Klymak wrote:
>> "Gary V. Vaughan" <address@hidden> writes:
>>> My journal mode has one wiki page per Category (topic), and puts
>>> cross- reference links in each category page pointing back at the
>>> new entry.
>> Hmmm, which is what remember-planner does.  So I'm not sure what the
>> OP was after that is different.
> I was referring to auto-completion.  

remember-planner auto-completes on existing plan pages (excluding the
date pages).   

>>   Or do your scripts simply expand EmacsWiki according to where
>> that page is on publishing?
> In an earlier thread we did start to discuss whether it was
> desirable to enforce unique naming across all of the files in a
> project... that would be a sufficient condition to write a function
> to keep an alist of '( pagename . location ), and diagnose
> duplicates etc.

Requiring unique filenames does not seem too onerous, seeing how
planner already requires them.  In fact, diagnosing unique filenames
wouldn't be too much of a problem, unless the user made a file by hand
that had the same name as another in the hierarchy.  I usually make
new plan pages by either typing in a new CamelCase word, or using
remember, both of which would just take me to the existing page rather
than creating a new one in an odd spot.

> Now that I think about it again, there is no need to allow planner
> to have duplicate names for day pages in a 2004/04/20 style
> heirarchy; I can enforce unique naming, and planner could use
> 2004/04/2004.04.20.  That would make the buffer name in the modeline
> more informative too... and you still get a tidier index :-)

I'd buy that.  

Hmmm, but what happens when I first create the page?  i.e. I type
NewPage and then follow the link.  How do I determine where it gets
stored for the first time?  In the top directory?  In the directory of
the present page?  Then how do I re-categorize it?  Move it by hand?

Or, when the page is created for the first time does there need to be
a set of prompts asking where to put it in the hierarchy?

It'd also be nice if the flat directory structure was also possible.

Anyways, I think this is a pretty cool idea.  Not sure how easy it is
to hack into the existing code though.  Seems that in addition to
keeping track of filenames, you need to keep track of file

Cheers,  Jody

Jody Klymak      http://opg1.ucsd.edu/~jklymak/

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