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Re: [fluid-dev] Fluidsynth and midishare on OSX (again)

From: Ebrahim Mayat
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Fluidsynth and midishare on OSX (again)
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 13:01:22 -0500

On Nov 16, 2005, at 12:21 PM, Dougie McGilvray wrote:


I am trying to build a fluidsynth binary to run on OS-X for a user without fink/X windows etc who need its microtonal and soundfont support.

We have Jack 0.100.1 installed and running OK.
We have Midishare 1.90 installed and running OK (at least, msControler works).

When I configure fluidsynth according to http://lists.gnu.org/ archive/html/fluid-dev/2005-08/msg00001.html, it complains a lot about a midishare confidence test failing. On investigation, the config log is reporting problems with Byte not being declared properly: I added -D__Types__ on to the CFLAGS to work around that.

Here's my configure line:

./configure --enable-midishare --enable-functioncheck --enable- debug - --enable-profiling --enable-jack-support --disable-readline "CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -I/sw/include - -I/System/Library/ Frameworks/MidiShare.framework/Versions/A/Headers - -I/System/ Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/Headers - -I/ Library/Frameworks/Jack.framework/Headers -D__Types__" "LDFLAGS=-L/ usr/local/lib -L/sw/lib -framework MidiShare -framework CoreAudio - framework Jack"

and here's what configure reports:

ALSA:                  no
OSS:                   no
MidiShare:             yes
JACK:                  no
CoreAudio:             yes
LADSPA support:        no
LADCCA support:        no
Readline:              yes
Debug:                 yes
Profiling:             yes
use long long:         no
Pentium 3+ SSE:        no

(shame it's still picking up readline lib from fink, but I can always put that on the target machine too I suppose).

The executable builds and links cleanly, but on running:

dh176-215:~/Builds/fluidsynth-1.0.6 nick$ fluidsynth -m midishare
fluidsynth: debug: Using 'coreaudio' audio driver

fluidsynth: debug: sampleRate 44100
fluidsynth: debug: mFormatFlags 0000000B
fluidsynth: debug: mBytesPerPacket 8
fluidsynth: debug: mFramesPerPacket 1
fluidsynth: debug: mChannelsPerFrame 2
fluidsynth: debug: mBytesPerFrame 8
fluidsynth: debug: mBitsPerChannel 32
fluidsynth: error: Couldn't find the requested midi driver
Failed to create the MIDI thread; no MIDI input
will be available. You can access the synthesizer
through the console.
fluidsynth version 1.0.6
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Peter Hanappe and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the COPYING file for details.
SoundFont(R) is a registered trademark of E-mu Systems, Inc.

Type 'help' to get information on the shell commands.

and there is no MIDI :(

I have searched through the archives without success, so any help qould be much appreciated.

Hi Dougie

Three  things:

Have you installed pkgconfig in /usr/local ?

Check your $PATH variable. I suspect that "/usr/local/bin" is not in your path. If you are building in bash you can set your PATH using the "export PATH" command or in tcsh use the "set path" command. Either way, you need to edit your .bash_profile or .tcshrc file.

This should get your Jack installation working.

Also, have you installed the OS X MIDI driver for your MIDI interface/ USB port?


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