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Re: [FR-devel] Re: Debugger

From: Laurent Julliard
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] Re: Debugger
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 07:33:26 +0100
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Rich Kilmer wrote:
comments below

Another comment on the use of commands in the EditPane plugin. Beside the discussion about where/when command should be declared (see previous message) there is another point that I'd like to discuss:

All Edit Panes commands are declared in one single attach_commands method. After thinking about it I think we should not do that but keep each method separate and then call the method from the command proc. It add an extra methiod call but it has several advantages:

Actually, the edit pane itself (in GuiCore) does not do this.  The
EditPaneRenderFox does.  The EditPane is the API...the slots are
documented there.  The way in which a renderer fulfills them is up to
the renderer.  I don't think we need to break them out into separate
methods since all they are doing is mounting a proc (one to fulfill is
EditPane command).

a) the code is much more readable with separate methods

I don't think that adding all those methods would necessarily make the
code more readable, but that's in the eye of the coder ;-)

b) with separate methods you can use rdoc and generate good looking developer documentation

The developer documentation should be against the abstraction (EditPane)
not the renderer.

c) it gives an additional flexibility in the sense that from inside the plugin you can directly call the methods without the overhead of the command mechanism.

Do you agree with this?

If so then I think I can rework the EditPane files a bit to make this happen. Plus I think it gives an intuitive guideline wrt to when a command must be created: use a command declaration whenever you want to publish a command to the outside world for use by other plugins. Does this sound ok?


I don't think I am following you on this. The EditPane API is that
presented by the abstract component (in GuiCore).  The "commands" it
uses are fulfilled by something (actually right now most of the
"commands" are fulfilled by EditPaneRenderFox with the exception of
parse_code which is fulfilled by the SoureParser plugin).  The
"commands" you publish to the outside world are in the databus.  These
are not the same as the Commands that are bound to Keys, etc.  Maybe its
not a good idea to overload the command term.   Perhaps it should be
"behavior" or something.

Does this make sense?


I'm still not convinced that having a big blob of flat code in attach_commands is the right approach for defining commands. From a developer standpoint I think code readability suffers a lot. I think it would be better to have individual *private* methods and then build the commands from those methods. I know that we don't want people to use these methods (hence the private methods) but developers still need to read the code and maintain it. Plus it doesn't break the current architecture at all.

I agree with you that we should call 'commands' something different (may be 'services' or 'interfaces') because commands is already used for menu commands which is sort of misleading

Another side remark: in the course of adapting the Debugger code (which you are going to do now) I found it difficult to listen to newly created EditPAne slots and only to those ones. In the former architecture all EditPanes slots were under a "pool' slot. With the current architecture if you create other slots under EditPane other than the EditPane instances (1,2,3....) it can be tricky to make the distinction when you receive a 'slot_add:' event. May be we should consider introducing a 'pool' level again in the ComponentManager so if other plugins wants to listen to newly created instances they just need to subscribe to the pool slot and be sure that the slot_add events they receive are EditPAne instances and not something else.


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