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Re: [FR-devel] Intro

From: Robert McGovern
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] Intro
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 20:45:07 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.2b; MultiZilla v1.1.31) Gecko/20021021

This is exactly what FreeRIDE is about: a bunch of people willing to do what they can to make things go forward :-)

*chuckles* cool

As a side note I'd be interested in knowing more about the CSV to MySQL backend that you have been working on...

First, I hope I didn't make it sound more than it was. What was set up long ago (by our then linux sys admin / developer) was a script called "submit_change".

The script did a number of things:

1) ensured that the tree was upto data with what was in cvs, if not it dropped out and informs the user.
2) Extracted the most recent release number from the database
3) tagged the current files in cvs with that marker
4) generates a list of all the files changes.
5) displays a form where the user must enter a problem / solution description, any configuration changes, the tests used to confirm the change, then a pdr / ern / ecr number (they are inhouse things). Once that data was submitted, the ok button would illuminate and you can contniue, there was also a cancel button. This is what I redone, essentially if certain characters where entered like ' or ` and some others, the sql database would break. 6) When ok is selected, the text from each of the fields is saved into temp files.
7) The changed files are then added into cvs.
8) A new record (or set of records) are added to the database, they cover the software release number, the information filled in on the form (by cat'ing the files), then a list of all the files changed and the perticular version number of the file.
9) the cvs files are then post-tagged
10) a cvs tree is then checked out and automatically built & stored for regression testing
11) any temp files are removed
12) an email is sent out to inform a select few that a new software release has been made.

The information software in the sql database is useful as it means we can quickly look at what was done in a particular release (we use viewcvs as well) and looked at tests done and what not.

One of the few things done well at our place :)

Does that answer you question?


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