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[Freetype] Patch: use FT_UShort instead of FT_Short for the glyph number

From: Mike FABIAN
Subject: [Freetype] Patch: use FT_UShort instead of FT_Short for the glyph number in case of bitmap fonts (was: FreeType 2.1.4 released)
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 18:07:29 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090014 (Oort Gnus v0.14) XEmacs/21.4 (Portable Code, x86_64-suse-linux)

David Turner <address@hidden> さんは書きました:

>    We can now hapilly start hacking on 2.1.5, whose purpose will hopefully be 
> to fix
>    those nasty bugs that didn't make it in this release,

The following bug is apparently still there:

There is a bug in the code for bdf and pcf files.

One must FT_UShort instead of FT_Short for the glyph number in case of
bitmap fonts. For example the GNU Unicode font has 34725 glyphs and
because of the usage of signed short all glyphs with an index above
2^15 couldn't be displayed via libXft2.

ftview could nevertheless display all glyphs, I don't know why.

But without the following patch, FT_Get_Char_Index returns 0x00008000
for the ucs4 input value 0xD2C4 and 0xFFFF8001 for the ucs4 input
value 0xD2C5. This makes 

                    if (glyph && FcFreeTypeCheckGlyph (face, ucs4, 
                                                       glyph, blanks))

in fontconfig/src/fccharset.c fail, which causes all glyphs with an
index above 2^15 to be displayed with replacement characters.

Attachment: freetype-bdf-pcf-drivr.patch
Description: Text Data

Mike Fabian   <address@hidden>

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