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From: REDEY Gabor
Subject: help
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:00:41 +0001

I am just typesetting a score and I faced the following problem. The 
author (J.G.Lickl) used thorough bass (bezifferter Bass) in organo 
staff, which I have to reproduce correctly. It can be done - as far as 
I understand lilypond accurately - by using a superscript 
'^"<digit>"'. Unfortunately the author also often uses special 
characters in this context like "#" and "b". How can these special 
characters be typesetted correctly as a "sharp" and "flat" sign? I 
am looking forward to your answer,
G. Redey

G. Redey PhD
Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, Nuclear Safety Directorate
Street Address: Budapest II., Margit krt. 85.
Mailing Address: H-1539 Budapest 114., Pf. 676.
Tel.: (+36 1) 356 55 66, ext: 26 91
Fax.: (+36 1) 355 15 91
E-mail: address@hidden

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