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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] User Authentication

From: Charles Sprickman
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] User Authentication
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 19:22:12 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Georges EL OJAIMI wrote:

> Hello,
> > What is "config.m4"?  That does not sound like part of gnu-radius...
> it is inside ./db !!!
> I used it in order to create the MySQL database.

Ah, never looked in there, I was using a pre-existing database.  So for
now, just look at "passwd".

> Which tables should be filled and what kind of data (There must be some
> relation or referencial integrity, right?)
> I have the tbale name:
> - attrib
> - calls
> - groups
> - ippool
> - naspools
> - passwd

For testing, try something like this in mysql:

INSERT INTO passwd VALUES ('test','','test','');

I'm not sure if the default config allows for a cleartext password, so you
might instead want to insert an encrypted password from your system
password file.

> How to make sure the server is running???

"ps -aux | grep radius" should return something like this:

address@hidden/usr/local/src/radius-1.2.90/db]# ps -auxwww|grep radius
radius   44921  0.0  0.9  5504 2216  ??  I    Sun12AM   0:54.76
/usr/local/gnu-radius/sbin/radiusd -d /usr/local/etc/raddb -l
/var/log/radius -y -f

This will likely be different on your server, but it should return
something.  You can also look at the logfile; if the server did not start
properly there should be some indication of that in the logfile.  Again, I
do not know where you have logging configured, I put it in

>From a running server:

address@hidden/usr/local/src/radius-1.2.90/db]# tail /var/log/radius/radius.log
Jun 23 19:09:31 Auth.notice: (Access-Request usr1 1 "xxxxx"
CLID=718884xxxx CSID=347534xxxx): Login OK [xxxxx]
Jun 23 19:09:31 (Access-Request usr1 1 "xxxxx"
CLID=718884xxxx CSID=347534xxxx): rule trace:
/usr/local/etc/raddb/users:18; huntgroups:10; hints:17,14,12



> Best Regards,
> Georges
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