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Multiple e-mail, automatic EOL

From: Julien Ghaye
Subject: Multiple e-mail, automatic EOL
Date: 07 Apr 2006 12:51:10 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

Hi all,

I'm a beginner using gnus (and Emacs too) and I got several
problems setting it up. 
I use gnus as a news reader and as an e-mail client. My 
problem is that i dont want to sent my real e-mail when
writing a new article for a newsgroup, so I wrote in my
config file :
        (setq user-mail-address "j.ghaye@no.spam")
This works fine, even too fine. Indeed, it has the same 
effect when I send an e-mail, where I expect to send my 
real e-mail.
So, how can I deal with it ? How/Where can I add a list
of my e-mail adreses and choose one of them when sending
a mail ? 

I also have another question. How can I set gnus to make
it go to the next line when I reached a number of caracters
on the previous line ?



NB : Hope this wasn't too difficult to read, english is not
my mother language and I didn't used to send mail in
english yet ;-)   

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