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Re: my vs maildir

From: Philipp Haselwarter
Subject: Re: my vs maildir
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2011 23:35:15 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Go to the group buffer, make a new virtual group, give it a name

,----[ C-h k G V ]
| G V runs the command gnus-group-make-empty-virtual, which is an
| interactive compiled Lisp function in `gnus-group.el'.
| It is bound to G V, <menu-bar> <Groups> <Foreign groups> <Make a
| virtual group...>.
| (gnus-group-make-empty-virtual GROUP)
| Create a new, fresh, empty virtual group.
| [back]

Put point over your "Inbox" and add it to "Conversations". Same for

,----[ C-h k G v ]
| G v runs the command gnus-group-add-to-virtual, which is an
| interactive compiled Lisp function in `gnus-group.el'.
| It is bound to G v, <menu-bar> <Groups> <Foreign groups> <Add a group
| to a virtual...>.
| (gnus-group-add-to-virtual N VGROUP)
| Add the current group to a virtual group.
| [back]

Of course you need to populate "Sent" somehow.
For starters, look at `gnus-message-archive-group'. Be lazy, and dump
everything into one file/folder, or be fancy and set up a group for your
gmane posts, one for each imap account and one for your RSS feeds.

Philipp Haselwarter

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