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Re: GOP-PROP 2: mentors and Frogs - probably decision

From: Jan Warchoł
Subject: Re: GOP-PROP 2: mentors and Frogs - probably decision
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 16:06:17 +0200

More ideas.
Problem 1: a Frog tries to modify wind diagrams code and experiences
some difficulties.  (S)he sends an e-mail to -devel, but gets no
answers because developer X (who wrote that code) overlooked his/her
e-mail, and noone else knows the answer.
Solution: a list of developers with "specializations", for example:
- beaming: Han-Wen, Mike, Z
- slurs: Han-Wen, Z, Y
- wind diagrams: X
- grace notes: Han-Wen
- dynamics: Z, U, Han-Wen ;)
Our Frog finds that wind diagrams were written by X and sends his/her
mail to -devel *and* X. X doesn't overlook the e-mail (because it's
adressed directly to him), helps the Frog and everyone is happy :)
Of course that list doesn't need to be super-precise or complete -
simply something more detailed than authors.itexi and more readable
than git log.  I don't think that much effort would be needed to
create and maintain it.

Problem 2: an Enthusiastic User writes to -devel: "it would be great
if Lily supported foobar!". Graham replies: "sure, add it yourself."
and nothing else happens. Graham is right, but user gets discouraged.
Solution: Graham (or anyone else) tells Enthusiastic User: "sure, add
it yourself. You may ask X for some clues - he is experienced with
foobaz, so he may be able to help you with foobar" or "sure, add it
yourself. If you have trouble, search our list of developers <link>
for people who are familiar with foo-issues and may give you some


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