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Re: To configure wx-2.6.2 [Re: [lmi] synchronizing wx and lmi for produc

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: To configure wx-2.6.2 [Re: [lmi] synchronizing wx and lmi for production]
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 14:40:50 +0100

On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 03:33:38 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> > I translated my settings to the command line in this way:
GC> >   [hidden] /c/Temp/WxWidgets/build-msys-again
GC> >   $ ../configure --disable-compat24 --enable-stl --disable-threads \
GC> >   --enable-std_iostreams --disable-apple_ieee --disable-mediactrl \
GC> >   --disable-std_iostreams --without-libjpeg --without-libtiff \
GC> >   --disable-gif --enable-shared --enable-monolithic \
GC> >   CXXFLAGS="-DNO_GCC_PRAGMA" >>wxmsys-configurations
GC> You use both of these
GC>    --enable-std_iostreams
GC>   --disable-std_iostreams
GC> which seem to be opposites. I think you want only the former.
GC> There is (or was, for 2.5.4) some ...IOSTREAMH option in
GC> 'setup.h' that we employed to say we do not want to look for
GC> nonstandard <iostream.h>, but prefer to use <iostream> with
GC> no '.h'; I think that's what you had in mind to disable, but
GC> I don't see its equivalent in 'configure --help'.

 This is because you don't need such option, configure can determine it
automatically: if you have <iostream> (and you do), it defines
wxUSE_IOSTREAMH to 1, otherwise it defines it to 0.

GC> I added '--without-regex'. Probably I should have added
GC> '--enable-std_string',

 No, this is useless (although harmless) with --enable-stl. The
--enable-std_string provides better compatibility of wxString with
std::basic_string when wxUSE_STL==0, if it is 1, then you have 100%
compatibility because wxString is a std::basic_string.

GC> I think I forgot the wx debug flag and the gcc debug flag too (they're
GC> distinct).

 Yes, you may want to include --enable-debug_gdb. It is off by default,
even with --enable-debug, because it dramatically increases the size of the
output files.


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